Permafrost Young Researchers Network

The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) organized the second IPA-GA-PYRN award to be granted during the International Conference "Cryogenic processes of polar regions". The awards are presented annually from now on at the primary permafrost conference of that calendar year. The 2007 awards were sponsored by generous contributions from the International Permafrost Association (IPA) and by one of the conference organizers - District (Gubernskaya) Academy.

PYRN award 2007 recipients

While all of the competitors provided excellent presentations describing their latest research endeavors, three were selected in alekhard for the "Outstanding Presentation of 2006" PYRN Awards. Each winner received a certificate and a $200 cash prize. The three award recipients were:

Przemystaw Zubel (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland) for "The Interpretation of the Northern Kaffioyra's (W Spitsbergen) Tundra Vegetation Pattern Applying Near-Ground Remotely Sensed Data and Numerical Analysis"

Irina Khomenko (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia), for "'Subjective' Reasons of Deformations in Permafrost Zone of Russia"

Viacheslav Stakhov (Institute of physical, chemical and biological problems in soil science, RAS, Pushchino, Russia), for "Taxonomical Structure and Properties of Microbial Communities Associated with Plant-Seed from Ancient Permafrost"

PYRN congratulates all three young researchers for their outstanding work! PYRN also extends its sincerest gratitude to the review panel, the award sponsors, and in particular Dr. Jerry Brown (President, IPA) for their significant and invaluable contribution in recognizing outstanding work by young scientists.