Permafrost Young Researchers Network

The yearly meeting of the German-speaking PYRN community was held during the 9th AK Permafrost meeting, 9-11 February 2017 in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. The meeting and workshop was generously supported by the Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society (SIP), the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN).
A short presentation of recent and planned activities within PYRN and APECS was followed by a half-day workshop on “Scientific Poster Presentation Skills” lead by Dr. Janneke van Woerden (University of Zurich). We learnt what makes a good and effective poster - and what not – and how to create a poster which is attractive, easy to read and invites for discussions. By discussing poster examples the participants reflected on lessons learnt and got feedback on their own posters.
In line with the theme of the workshop, PYRN-DACH and APECS organized a poster award for the first time during an AK Permafrost meeting. We`re happy to announce that we awarded two posters with a prize of a swiss knife engraved with the conference name to:

George Tanski (AWI Potsdam): Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) stocks in Arctic ground ice and its contribution to OC carbon fluxes into the Arctic Ocean

Matthias Meyer (ETH Zurich): Interactive Visualization of Big (Matterhorn) Data

The 9th AK Permafrost Meeting attracted about 60 participants with at least 30 PYRN members. The general program can be found here:

Josefine Lenz (Germany), Ingo Hartmeyer (Austria) and Samuel Weber (Switzerland)